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Saanen Dairy Goats

At Pony Trail Farm, we take pride in raising quality health-tested and registered ADGA American Saanen Dairy Goats

Breed Percent per 100% Saanen

The Herd

Dzimianski's Saanen Dairy Goats at Pony Trail Farm

These are the Dams, Granddams, Sires, and Grandsires of all of our available milking yearlings and kids. They have consistent type and production, and have been selected for ease of hand milking and kidding.

We are currently unable to offer transportation or shipping for goats, and prefer that the buyer come in person to ensure satisfaction as all goat sales are final. 

Email us at 

or text (706) 461-3956 

for more information about 

milking does, doelings, and bucklings, available every Spring.

Located in Nicholson, GA 30565


Certified & accredited


ADGA Saanen Dairy Goats

Saanen Dairy Goats Currently Available

Bottle bucklings available immediately

Milking does & doelings will next be available in later this Spring.

We are currently unable to offer transportation or shipping for goats, and prefer that the buyer come in person to ensure satisfaction as all goat sales are final. 


GOATS ARE RESERVED WITH NONREFUNDABLE 50% DEPOSIT.  Pricing varies depending on the qualities of each animal. Bucklings are priced at $150-$250 without registration, $350-$450 with ADGA registration application and DNA test.  Mature proven bucks, if available, are $350 & up. Does and doe kids average $500-$750, depending on genetics, conformation, and potential. Polled animals are sold at an additional $100 when compared with similar animals. 

Bred does (confirmed pregnancy test) are priced at $800-$1000 each.


  • We are Scrapie EXPORT CERTIFIED. All goats sold are guaranteed to be free of CL, CAE, Johnes, TB, Brucellosis and Scrapie at time of sale.  There is a 100% money back guarantee if any of those diseases are diagnosed by an accredited veterinarian within 1 month of sale. (Conditions apply)

  •  Any other infectious or genetic problem causing death within the first 5 days will warrant a replacement when available, with statement of death by veterinarian, if the veterinarian deems the condition preexisting. (Conditions apply)

  •  Goats will be current on CDT vaccine, deworming and hoof-trimming at the time of sale. Internal and external parasite treatments will not be covered after leaving Pony Trail Farm, as parasites are endemic in the South, and have been appropriately treated to date. 

  • SELLER RECOMMENDS THAT GOAT BE QUARANTINED FOR A MINIMUM OF 7 DAYS BEFORE INTERMINGLING WITH HERD for protection of both herds and allow them time to adapt to new environment.  Quarantine location should be clean and not have housed animals carrying CL or other infectious disease during the last 12 months. Failure to do so will VOID the health warranty, due to possible contagion from other animals. It is not uncommon for goats to have gastrointestinal issues due to stress of travel and changes in food and water. 

  • BUYER IS RESPONSIBLE TO INSPECT ANIMAL TO ENSURE SATISFACTION AT PICKUP.  Goats live in a pasture environment, and are exposed to insects, briars, and kids with teeth, all possibly resulting in minimal scratches, abrasions, or bites, which may scab over before healing. If upon inspection the Buyer declines to complete the purchase, they may transfer deposit to another goat when available.   

  • No veterinary expenses will be paid after the animal leaves our farm. 

  • There is a fertility guarantee for breeding animals for the first breeding season only.  The goat will be replaced with one of equal value when available (likely the next kidding season).  Claims must be made by the end of the first breeding season, and the doe or buck in question should have been bred to one with proven fertility. 

  • No guarantee is given to the quality or quantity of milk produced by milking does, doelings sold as future milkers, or offspring of any animal sold.

  •  Premium show animals ($600-up) will be guaranteed not to have any disqualifying genetic defects identified the first year (replacement when available).  

  • We are currently unable to transport goats for delivery/meetup, and prefer that the buyer come in person to ensure satisfaction as all goat sales are final.   

  • "Bottle Babies" should be picked up within a couple of weeks of reservation, as their dams are often sold separately.  Kids that are reserved from milkers we retain must be picked up at time of weaning (2 months).  Any reserved kids held beyond two weeks past weaning will be assessed a boarding fee of $25 per week.  Any animals reserved that are not picked up within one month (after weaning or after order for adults) will forfeit deposit and animals will be relisted.  Exceptions may be made with advanced notice of extenuating circumstances. 

  • Animals are sold with ADGA registration papers or completed application, unless requested otherwise.

For more information about our ADGA Saanen Dairy Goats, contact us at

Buck Service Policy

Does presented for buck service must be from Certified and Accredited herds, or have tested negative for TB and Brucellosis within the past 30 days. Does must originate from CAE negative herds, and have tested negative for CAE within the past 6 months. All does must be abscess-free. We reserve the right to decline buck service to any doe at our discretion.

Herd Health

We maintain a clean herd, testing annually for TB, Brucellosis, and CAE. Our animals are abscess-free, and the herd is Certified and Accredited, and has consistently tested CAE negative according to the WSU ELISA test. We have attained the status of Scrapie Certified as of November 30, 2005, and SCRAPIE EXPORT CERTIFIED in 2010.


We dam raise our kids since we feel that this method produces healthier, faster growing kids, and we only maintain negative animals.  All of our goats have free access to pasture and deciduous forest. Our milkers are also fed alfalfa hay and high protein feed. We administer CD/T, and Rabies vaccinations, and worm as needed according to FAMACHA and fecal egg counts. Antibiotics are given only when necessary.

scrapie certified herd

Additional Pictures and Reference Animals

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